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tomtom v1 wont turn on


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
I recently bought a tomtom v1 off ebay being advertised as faulty.....Where the green light will come on but the unit wont actually turn on.

Ive tried the reset method but still cant get it to work....I was thinking i may be able to fix it im having second

As anyone any other ideas as to how i could get it working?....Is there a way of flashing it to a later firmware or somthing along those lines?



ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
If you connect it to the computer does it have enough power for the computer to recognize it?

No,I tried that connected it to a mini usb but theres no green light....I wernt to sure though if it only has enough power through the mains plug.

Is it meant to have the green light when connected via the usb?


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
might sound daft but try resetting a few times - in my experience this might often sorts it out

Yeah ive tried that fella ...Im just fully charging it now ill keep trying


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
Ive just left it on charge for a bit and pressed the reset....and the now the backlights constantly on but nothings showng onscreen:S


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
Sounds like mine was when the card got corrupted - don't know if you can get the software on the card restored without having a backup...

Yeah thats what ive heard...Im looking now for a tomtom 1 sd backup
