# Why is my download stuck at 99.9%?
There are actually a few factors which may contribute to this problem. Though 99.9% is the most common, it actually happens with percentages in the high 90s (96%, 97%, 98% and anything in between).
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* There may be an anti-leech protection in effect limiting transfers to you. Many clients does have this feature to ensure peers give back what they have taken to the swarm.
* The final piece(s) may be something changeable. Check to see what is left on the download. If the file(s) in question are ". DS_Store," " Thumbs.db," or "desktop.ini," you may select these files and choose to omit them from the download. If the seeder's version of these files changed, then they will fail the hash check, preventing anyone from getting the original. Similarly, if on your side, these [hidden] files are "read only" and/or protected, your client will keep downloading and discarding that which cannot be replaced.
* There may be a physical problem preventing you from completing the download. Try stopping the torrent, run scandisk, and restarting the torrent. This will fix any errors on your harddrive.
* The more pieces you have, the harder it becomes to find people who have the pieces you need. That's why downloads sometimes slow down or even stop completely. Just be patient and you will get the remaining pieces.