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trophy subframes

There the same as the 172 which will be the same sort of price as the 172 I'd expect
172 ones are £362.16 ex vat (the price is a year or so old but thats an idea)
16v_jon said:
eddes give you the price for the cars body subframe
Ooops yep sorry thats the price for the front suspenion subrame I though that was what you were tlaking about.
The aftermarket subframe for the seats is lower than the tropy one as the trophy wan't allowed to use the normal aftermarket subframe.


ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182
i was thinking of getting trophy subframes to lower the seating position.....will this be the case or is the lower seating position down to the recaros?

Red Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Focus RS
Trophy subframes are a mix of the original 182 subframes and Recaro style ones made by Renault. They won't fit the standard 182 seats, only Recaros.

The actual Clio subframes from Recaro are about 10mm lower than the trophy ones, as seen here:

