Last week I finally had the battery replaced in my Ph1 172 and had the wifey start it up. Low and behold, it had a terrible misfire. No power and sounded like a tractor. So I had my buddy replace the coil, leads, and spark joy. Next he pulled off the fuel rail and saw that the number one and number three injectors weren't firing. Bought new injectors and had my buddy replace them. The number 1 cylinder is back operational, but the number 3 is still dead. It is getting fuel and spark, but is still dead. The next step is a compression/leak down check, hopefully I can get someone to do this today (still working overseas and trying to diagnose all of this over the phone) :'( Has anyone here had issues with collapsed lifters or stuck valves on these engines? I have been googling like crazy for the last few days and have not run into a single instance reported of these cars having stuck valves or collapsed lifters. And apparently there is an audible sound of air from the exhaust or something. Any ideas?