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Turini's or Superturismo's?

  2001 Clio RS MKII
Fitted a set of OZ Superturismo's with 195/40-16 tyres instead of my Turini's with 195/45-16 tyres. I think the Superturismo's look better isn't it?






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  alien green rs133
had both, turini's were my prefered choice, had better offset.
my super T's are now on a corsa and they suit that much more.
  2001 Clio RS MKII
Thanks for the comments! Still doubting about it... I think the Turini's will look better with some spacers and 195-40 tyres. I have placed the Superturismo's also with 15mm spacers, the Turini's are without.

Super T´s look spot on. Now sell me your Turinis ;)

What do you want to pay for it ;) Can also get them new for a good price!
  02 Clio 172
Superturismos look really good, give it a bit of a racing look. Nice to see something a little different to Turinis. Out of interest how much is the car lowered?
  DC2 TypeR / E36 328i
SuperT's have been my favourite wheel since Forza 1.... but seeing them next to Turinis is giving me doubt...

Keep them both :p


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Turinis all day long.

ST's just look aftermarket and aftermarket has become chav i'm afraid unless they are a classy wheel.

Sorry to be harsh.


ClioSport Admin
Superturimos! Different in a good way! I'm not just saying that because i want a set :) actually,

No, turinis ftw! Swap them

And sell me those supert's :evil:

What size are they? They look perfect
