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Turtle Wax Ice


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
did a search, and the three threads that came back didnt really give much info.

anyway, just seen an advert for said wax. anyone used it? any good?
  visualize whirled pe
Tbh it's a naff advert, is it a polish? or a wax? or a sealer? or a glaze??? You can never get a logical answer from TW packaging or their site.

I've done a search for it on DW, one guy slates it but if he's tried it or not I don't know. I never see much praise being handed out to Turtle Wax products on DW though and tbf not all their products are that bad. Infact I'm sure I read somewhere that some zymol products are manufactured and distrubuted by turtle wax.

It depends how much the stuff is then how good it looks and how long it lasts.
  Octavia VRS
I used to use a Turtle Wax wax 3 or so years ago and tbh it performed no worse than AG/Megs/CG products


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf GTI
lol just seen this advert too

johnathan creek ftw?

i have a halfrauds gift voucher lying around, might give it a whirl. not really into detailing, so im not about to go out and spend money on stuff i'll never use.

cheers for the comments so far.
