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tyre gel

  clio 182 sport
ive been using turtle wax tyre gel for years now but lately its poor the shine doesnt seem to last even into the second day. can people rec a decent tyre shine please not to pricey thanks.
  LY R26 #288
I use the meguiars one. It shines really well, Although I find that doesn't last too long either.
  ph2 clio 172
another one for megs indurance tyre gel.

I have tried autoglymm tyre dressing all the other spray stuff, then found detailing stuff and megs was recommended. just dont add too much and make sure tyres are really clean


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Megs is cheap imo and the best for a nice glossy finish. You can also buy it in Halfords.

Blackfire would be the other recommendation.
  Not a 320d
Blackfire, but if your not willing to spend the extra, or order on tinternet then Megs Gold class from halfrauds.
