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urgent help needed aux belt tool

changing the aux belt on my 172 went from one disaster to another
old tensioner was seized so had to cut the belt great put new tensioner on then my tool snapped so I tried a jubilee clamp to hold back the tensioner no good so I had to resort to modifying the cars metal to get a bar in and do the tensioner when doing this the tensioner snapped in half the new one I might ad so now ive got no car and I need to buy a new tensioner im in desperate need for the proper tool I will buy one of anyone if they have it please


ClioSport Moderator
You're probably better off putting your location in case there (by chance) is anyone in your area with one.
I'm in stansted Essex I had the spring fully depressed with the jubilee clip I thought it's s**t honestly what a job for an aux belt
You're supposed to change the full kit, which is why you're having issues.

The jubilee clip method works fine, used it a few times out in the field when I've not had the right tool with me.
I might try to use the new tensioner even though the part where the tool usually goes has snapped in half I don't think it has any strength part
Didn't go well was so close but because the square hole is broken off the tensioner I couldn't get it that extra few mm disaster
  2004 clio 182 ff
I made a tool with a piece of flat bar with a slight bend in it and welded the end of an old 3/8th extension bar on it. Worked a treat
I managed to do it with a jubilee clip as the part the 3/8th bit goes in snapped in half I still used it as it hasn't lost any strength and I had no choice I will order a new one and replace when it comes though
