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URGENT help required please

  RenaultSport 172
Not happy :(
Just spent all day fitting my sony head unit to my July 2002 Clio 172. I bought the steering column control adapter thing from halfords and the right plug for my Sony head unit. Followed the instructions perfectly taking the top of the dash off. Unplugged the red connector that was in the back of the clocks and put that into my new lead which goes down to the stereo area and plugs in a black box. Did everything as per the instructions and hey presto it didn't work. Had trouble fitting the head unit in due to the amount of wires and stuff so I've taken out the new lead and managed to get everything fitted. The stereo works but I'll jsut have to get used to not having the steering wheel controls unless one of you guys can help me. However, I now have an even worse problem. I started the car to find that it says STOP & SERV and the ABS and Air Bag lights are on. I didn't touch any wires when I took the dash apart so what have a managed to do? Any ideas? Something much have been disconnected. Is it anything to do with the red connector that is no longer plugged into the clocks?
Please please help as I am so annoyed and I just wonder why I bother trying to change stuff when everything was perfect as it was.
Also while I'm here, I need to fit my auto changer under the seat and remove the standard one. In order to do this will I need to remove the seat? I can sorta see all the bolts to undo etc on the changer but they don't all look easy to get to and the sony changer is not gonna mount to exactly the same holes. Any advice??

Thanks for any help
  RenaultSport 172
Don't worry. I've fixed it. Just put it all back to standard. I will cut my losses and sell my head unit and changer and just stick to the standard stuff.
Before you do, is there a helpline phone number for the adaptor leads ? I know there is for Autoleads stuff. Might be worth a try.
  RenaultSport 172
Yeah there is a helpline but its premium rate. To be honest I just don't think I can be bothered to get the dash apart for a third time. My sony head unit just doesn't fit as snug and nicely as the standard one so I'm just gonna stay standard. My sony unit is a good 8 years old now and the only reason I wanted to use it was cos of the mp3 autochanger that I got a few months ago for it. Still nevermind, I have the standard changer so I just have to stick to normal cd's. Will sell my sony gear and have some free money.

