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valver standard alarm problem

Help! I have just had a willy lump fitted in my valver and the garage is telling me that there is no spark to the spark plugs and that the engine will not start due to the factory alarm having immobilised the engine.

They are saying that the only place that can fix it and reset it is a renault garage so I would have to get it towed there!

I find this hard to beleive and why would my alarm do this?

Could I fix this problem by getting a new alarm fitted and having the renault one disabled rather then going to the expense of getting my car towed to renault and then having to pay whatever they are going to charge to fix only to possibly have problems with it again in the future?

Also, has anyone else had this problem as I have done a search on the forum and cant seem to find a similar reference?


Well, Im having my car towed to renault tomorrow to have the alarm reset. I was told by my garage that the battery in the alarm had gone flat, thus immobilising the engine. Apparently renault are the only garage that can reset it. My garage think it will only cost about £35 but we shall see......

Well, the latest development is that renault re saying that the wiring to the immobilisor is faulty and that they now have to strip down the entire dash to fix the problem and are quoting me £280 just to strip the dash!

If you could only bypass the bloody thing i could have a top clifford system fitted for the amount this is going to cost me. Only to end up with the crappy standard renault system!

I hate to say it but I will never buy another renault after the hassle I have had with my car (even though I love it.....)
