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VBOX Performance Meter

I now have a VBOX 2 GPS ( Should any of you peeps want to settle any arguments drop me an email. Also (Site launched on Tuesday PM) will be running a hall of fame for 0-60 times and will have specs and pics of the top 5 cars at all times. Also you can race all kinds of hatchbacks on the screen and read new and roadetsts of all the new hatchbacks.

The VBOX device is used by Topgear and all the good motoring mags such as Evo and Autocar.

I can measure 0-10,0-20,0-30,0-40,0-50,0-60,0-70,0-80,0-90,0-100 and as far as you want to go after that (on a private road of course :) ).

G Force, Braking

Do full track plotting including line taken for as many laps as you need. Speed on any corner. G force on corners.

Rich ;-)

Well the http://www.FASTHATCHBACKS.COMWWW.FASTHATCHBACKS.COM site will be up on Tuesday night..!!!! ahhhh more redbull captain :sleep: but maybe a bit low on content and stats are not as good as I wanted... still looking and testing.

Hatchbacks will be like but ... can you guess ? ...

Still need more stats etc .. if anybody wants there car featured drop me a mail at"> we are running tests with our VBOX and putting some stuff on the site. We also need some people to help on the site.

manufactuer supplied vechile roadtests coming up in next two months.

Civic Type R ,Civic Type S, Astra GSI Turbo,Astra SRI, Pug 206 GTI, Pug 206 GTI 180. Trying to get Renault on board but having some trouble.
