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  mk1 clio 1.4sport
well, i'm trying to install new itunes and getting this message....

anyone got any idea how to sort this out?


  mk1 clio 1.4sport
never heard of it? take it that can be used with my ipod? will it keep my songs in the playlists etc...?

and thanks photo i took in brighton :)
put this into a file called test.vbs just make a .txt file called test.txt paste the following in then change the file extension to .vbs

msgbox "hello"

Double click the file test.vbs and see if yo get a box with "hello" in it.

Sounds like vb might not be registered correctlly it should be installed automatically with windows.
  mk1 clio 1.4sport
just did that and it said succeeded! that mean its fixed? sorry not up on this technical stuff
  The Bus and MRT
Try disabling your anti-virus software just to test.. as the message says script blocking maybe enabled. Disco's test.vbs file would test that to make sure though
