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Very odd hesitation when revving

  2003 Clio 172

Not a big problem at all but can just be a bit annoying at times.

I mainly notice this when the car is cold, but it can run on for quite some time.

So imagine is on cold start.........just pulling off and for the very first split second of pressing the accelerator pedal, the revs hesitate and the dash lights dim (clock light most noticeable). This is only for a split second and the car revs clean after that, no spluttering or anything.....just that initial hesitation and lights dimming.

This can run on for quite a while and in stop/start bumper to bumper traffic, makes it very easy to stall (more than usual with he-man clutch)

The battery was replaced on the say i bought it before my trek home from Stevenage (long for one of the Halfords Calcium jobbies which has been flawless and doesn't flinch at other times.

I guess I should get the volt meter on it when its like this but was wondering if anyone else had experienced similar?

