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Virgin Media or BT?

  ITB BG 182
Ok so who is on which or what would people recommend.
pro's and con's for each, service rating?

blah blah blah the list goes on.
Do i stay with VM? or do i move to BT?
  Scirocco GT 2.0
Virgin Media


It's Cable


ermm, not sure.



ermm, not sure.


It runs on copper lines layed 100 years ago

Stick with VM unless you're crazy.

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  Audi TT Stronic

If you want massive speed but don't download a lot then VM, if you want consistent (but slower) speed then go BT.

BT are pushing out their new network so I would expect to see improvements in their speed offerings shortly. Unfortunatly their downfall is still the 'distance from exchange' issue.
  Bumder With A Buffer
That should be sorted soon... they have been working on new things and procedures, equipment to improve speed.
  None :(
VM all the way for me, been with them 7 years now and had no more than 4/5 outages. You get what u pay for, im on 50mb, and i download at 6.23mB/sec. Any ADSL line will be going over like 70 year old copper :/ u say if u want consistency go to BT? aye?

Maybe VM has just been spot on in my area, or maybe i've just had a good experience, but i'd recommend VM over any other ISP for home use. If you can't get VM where you live, then go with Be-unlimited, my mate has them and they are spot on!

But hay thats just opinions (with a few facts) hehe.
