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Virgin stability issues

  Clio 172 Cup
I had it really bad last weekend, between about 8pm til early morning.

Modem kept resetting itself every 5 mins.
Driving me f**king insane at the moment will work for a couple of minutes then dusconnect for a couple then repeat the process for hours on end.
Yeah mine has been s**t for ages. Keep meaning to phone them up. Never get anywhere near 20mb these days. Closer to 10 most the time and that's if it will stay connected for more than 30 minutes at a time. Is there even any point in upgrading to 50mb?
^ same here, running at 50% of what I should be getting. Phoning them up is useless. Last time got through to some incredibly cocky Scottish t**t who insisted there was nothing wrong his end.
Lol so they're as bad as sky, telling me I was getting 8mg download speed when I could see in black and White in front of me it was a frankly unusable .5 mg. There seriously needs to be a shake up of the regulations around enforcing advertised speeds and the actual stability you receive from a provider. They all seem to make a huge amount of cash from slow as f**k and/or unstable services.
Pretty sure I'm going to be moving away from Virgin. The service is s**te. It's pretty much impossible to use my connection properly. Firstly because it NEVER achieves the advertised speed, and secondly because they seem to be throttling me back almost every other hour. The service has been s**t for ages now, and I've just received a letter telling me that it's basically all my fault. LOL. Bit of ISP shopping coming my way. I'm not phoning them up, as past experience tells me I'll be wasting my breath. f**k you virgin! :D
  Listerine & Poledo
After having a whole upgraded BT exchange to myself, Virgin isn't impressing me much, but since I'm on some 1/2 price forever deal, £33 a month for tv, bb and a phone line (which I never use) I'm not going to complain.

Not like I P2P anyway, so long as I dont get too apinful a lag on COD (or GT5.... eventualy!) I dont really care
My connection sucks. I am a heavy user but even at 03:00 it's s**t. Saturated by Bit Torrent users no doubt (scum). I use my pipe perhaps 6 months out of twelve. When I do use it, I expect it to work. Instead I get a letter telling me that I'm spoiling everyone's fun.

I do appreciate fair usage, so I have replied to my letter in a firm and fair manner. We shall see what the response is. No doubt the infinity-denial that there is a problem with their service. Much better to point the finger at HIGH paying customers who use their connection for half a year maximum.
