First things first...Thank You to everyone who came today and a HUGE Thank You to Viezu, they were absolutely amazing hosts.
Walked through the door to bacon butties and tea/coffee on tap with muffins provided also, Gerald and Paul were a pleasure to deal with and the lads there were very knowledgeable with regards to vehicles.
The best moment of the day was Josh in his Colt having an Astra VXR wondering why he'd spent the money he did when Josh was sat on his tail and having to slow himself down...that car is an absolutely epic sleeper (1.5 Colt Turbo...heavily fettled!)
I was disappointed with my result, but once the air leak is sorted, it should be running a bit better...and I was saddened to see the Valver going home on a low loader...hope you get it sorted soon Jon, although Viezu have said that Jon can have a free run when the new engine is in there. (So that's good then).
Pictures to go in a Media thread and once I get the graphs sent via PDF on Monday, I will alter them so no registrations are shown.
Think that this might become a regular event if people are up for that...(maybe annual or something).