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warranty on nokia N95

  wait and see ;)
just wondering did anyone know that wen you buy a nokia phone you get a 2 years warranty with nokia themselves.... as my N95 has just literally given up totally now rang nokia up and they said take it to any carephone warehouse or nokia shop and they will fix it for free under warranty and i wus pritty stunned to hear this
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
yeah and it's got premium customer service like the 8 series and vertu too :)
  Clio Sport 182
Thats a result! im on number 4 6 months into my 18 month contract!

Ill have to use that warrenty!
  wait and see ;)
am bloody glad they provide the phone with a warranty tho... does any body else suffer from the phone turning off in the middle of calls and just not working in general


Yeah it's been this way for a while, although they don't really advertise the fact and alot of people presume it's 12 months as standard.
  wait and see ;)
the thing wot gets me is wen u get a phone on contract they ask if u want 2 take insurance out on the phone and pay however much it costs... thers no point rely if u get 2 years free with nokia
  1998 BMW e46 323i
^it's not thieft insuance fella, it's warranty.

It is worth knowing tho eh,.. I've been lucky with my N95 so far, but 18 months is a long old while!
