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Weight Loss

What can I do to shed a few kilos off my valver.

I know it wont increase performance much but every little helps.

At the moment all I can think of is to lose the spare.

Any other suggestions?
  Golf 1.4 TSI

drink slim fast;) i have put on 2stone of weight since i have been at uni and i bet that can make a difference, need to start doing some exercise to lose it again
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

get rid of the rear seats, wheel, parcell shelf for a start.

i have and its great lol! leathers weight a ton!

take the front out too if no passengers...

Theres loads you can do, depends how far you wonna go!

It gets addictive thou and you dont know where to stop lol

but the usual spare, carrier, jack, rear seats and shelf are a good start!

Thought about removing the reserve fuel tank????

and presumabley u have the phase 1 speedlines??? ultra lightweight compared to phase 2s
