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Weird question

Dont really know how best to describe this. I have a Clio MTV. On the dials for where you want the air to blow (feet, face, windscreen etc), there is a picture at the top where you can see a car and theres an arrow on the outside going over the windscreen (you with me so far?). What does this do?

I have put the power on full (4) and can hear the air blow out but as soon as I change it to the other function, it goes silent.

I obviously never had a handbook with the car and havent a clue what it does. You probably dont even have a clue what Im talking about!

The symbol you are describing is for blanking off the air into the car, hence it travelling over the car instead of coming into it. Its noisy as the air is trying to blow in to the ducts but you have shut them off. When you change the dial the air has somewhere to travel so its quieter. Hope that helps.;)

0 is no fan assistance, i.e. the faster you drive the more air comes into the cabin. that way you dont need to have the fan on.
