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What ’Phase’ am I

I have a 2001 (51) Clio 172 and I was just wondering how i can find out what phase it is (I only know of there being different phases by reading on here). the main reason that I ask is so that I know how many screws I need to have to take out when I take my dash off.

2001 51 should be Ph2 unless its been sitting around, I thought the last Ph1s were Y Reg.

Now there are differences between early Ph2 172s and later (02/03) Ph2 most notibly the addition of EPS (Traction Control) Cruise Control and I think ABS in the later models (as standard).

My 2001 51 did not have any of the above.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)

Its a mk2 172.


the 1998 models have 2 main flavours

Pre facelift and face lift.
