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what amp to go with my sub?

  V70 d5 beast
hi all i've got a sony xplod xs-L1036 which is 250w rated power and 700w max power at 4ohms,

i'm looking to buy an amp for it now and only really wanna spend roughly £50/£60,
i've looked on ebay and found these:





i know theres quite a few to choose from but i deal with the mechanical side of the car and not the audio stuff lol

thanks for checking them out and i hope i can get one soon? cheers simon
Top two alpines are good I believe.

Personally I wouldn't buy Sony anything :dead: so the amp is a definite no-no. lol

Not really up on the 3rd one.

The bottom alpine will be pretty loud but not as powerful as the top two by far ;)
  V70 d5 beast
okay thanks for the advice, i already have a 400watt amp powering my 2 360wat 6x9's so would the bottom alpine be the best one? as it is 700wats same as the max power on the sub?

just not sure which one to go for? novice i know lol
  V70 d5 beast
i've looked at the 1st one agian wish i'm swaying towards and it says it is 500w at 2ohms but whats the difference between 2ohms and 4ohms with 500w?
You should always quote power in RMS (Root Mean Square I believe), as that is the continuous power they can take.

Maximum Power Output (MPO) is usually double the RMS figure and is what it might take for a short period of time before dying (i.e. it's a bullsh*t figure) and Peak Maximum Power Output (PMPO) is the true bullsh*t figure that is usually double the MPO figure - it might take this for half a second before going up in smoke...

Therefore the general rule is only buy stuff that gives output/power ratings in RMS.

I'm therefore guessing that your sony sub is 250watts RMS (wrms I shall use for shorthand)
i've got a sony xplod xs-L1036 which is 250w rated power and 700w max power at 4ohms
and I very much doubt that you're running 360wrms 6x9s (no offence! :))
i already have a 400watt amp powering my 2 360wat 6x9's so would the bottom alpine be the best one?
I would hazard a guess that you might have 180wrms 6x9s and either a 200wrms amp or a 100wrms amp, depending on if the 400w is MPO or PMPO.
Either way, if you're happy with them and they're running fine, don't stress about changing them or anything! :cool:

With regards to the amp for the sub, most can take a bit more power than they're rated at (well the good ones can...)
  • The top one looks too powerful at 500wrms but that's at 2ohm. At 4ohm it would probably give 250wrms, but you need to check if the amp is rated to play at 4ohm or if it will die...
  • The second one might be alright, but is a touch too much (looking at the 12v 4ohm bridged rms power figure).
  • BBRG - don't know it, need more info on the output of it and if it can run 4ohm!
  • Sony - Noooooooooo :dead: lol
  • bottom one - 1x200wrms is a bit under the sub rating but would mean you wouldn't risk blowing your sub.
HOWEVER... it's better to run a more powerful amp at a lower power to reach a specific volume than have a smaller amp running at full tilt to get to the same volume, therefore I'd recommend the top two alpines.
It's like a car - would you rather be doing 100mph in a underpowered metro, screaming the b****cks off it, or 100mph in a big engined v8 cruiser, doing 2000rpm?
You just have to resist turning it all the way up and killing your sub ;) lol

Anyway, that's all my opinion and it's probably wrong - have a look at for true ICE geeks who know what they're talking about :p :clown: :cool:
Oh, and re: the ohms question...

Power is generally doubled if you half the ohms rating.

So, for an example, an amp that had 250wrms at 4ohm would have 500wrms at 2 ohm (like the alpine you ask about).
Assuming it could also play at 1ohm, that 500wrms at 2ohm would become 1000wrms at 1ohm.

In theory anyway... They aren't a completely linear thing, some run less, some run more!
  Polo + Micra
i put 2x360wRMS into a pair of jbl p93i(iirc) 6x9's

10 seconds before they caught fire lol

i'd go with the second one out of those
