Question is in the topic really. What are your opinions on this subject ? The reason I ask is because there are quite a few long stretches of road where I live and since I have had the 172 I usually take over a whole bunch of cars on the clear straights but only when it is CLEAR for a long way so I do not put others in danger but I still get flashed by old biddies doing 40 in a 60.
Now, last night I was having a drive around and on the road I drive home on every day I give it some off the roundabout. I was about halfway up the road with no car in front or behind until I saw this car uproaching really quickly in my rearview. I thought it might be a cop so I slowed down and then when it got closer I saw it was a MK3 Golf GTi, he did not slow down at all and got right up my arse. I thought that he would not overtake me because there was a car coming the other way but NO ! He pulls out after getting so close to my bumper I thought he would nudge me and then pulls alongside me (by this time he had not even let off at all from his approach) and I had to brake just so he had enough room to pull in ! I looked at his back window and then saw a BABY ON BOARD sign ! I doubt he had the baby in the car but what a w*nker !