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What do you say to people who call your car a 'girls car'?

  320td Daily XR2t Toy
Ill give you a race and well see who has he girls car. Gotta gauge there car first but usuallysaid by someone with a s**t car.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS

Deadly serious. I've been known to stand there for days, just pointing.


  172 track thingy
I can't hear them or they give up trying to talk over the exhaust when I'm on the road, but most of my engineering friends love it for the simple way of just purely being quick on a budget and also featured on top gear as they watch a lot of that lol
  172 Cup
I embrace the fact that its a girls car, and when people mention it, I ask them how it makes them feel that my girls car would piss all over their 'non girls car' with ease.
  clio 182 black /gold
I have had it a few times. I just agree and say yes it has mirrors on both of the sun visors too!!!.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
You really are heading to loser territory if you need to start popping bonnets and talking about 2.0ltr engines.

Bitchez don't care. They just want a minge wetter.
  extreme flamer
Ill give you a race and well see who has he girls car. Gotta gauge there car first but usuallysaid by someone with a s**t car.

I've noticed that, someone said it to my mate when he had a clio 1.4, my mate asked what the guy drove and he responded by saying 'a ford ka' after that we just laughed and walked away and let him return to his 'manly' car.
I've had it from a few people aswell 'your car's a girls car' 'your car's a heap of junk'. I sort of agree with the second one but what annoys me is that the people who usually comment about it are on their way to the bus stop!


ClioSport Club Member
  Not anymore
Mines a van so its never been called a girls car. It's actually been called the most masculine looking clio :L
  Mk4 Mondeo Estate
My first response tends to be something along the lines of " of course it is, your mum/girlfriend/sister loves it in the back seat"
  182, 6r GTi
Girls car means Girls normal like it cant think of any car id rather have at this moment in time, not in to the faggy dub scene or honda fanboys
  Iceberg 172
Personally, the 'stigma' of the girls car and it seeming like a normal Clio is what made the 172 so much more appealing over the likes of the in your face nature of type r's nowadays. Hell, if I wanted something in your face and manly I wouldn't buy a hot hatch full stop. Even two seaters like the s2000 and Elise will look like hair dressers cars to people that aren't into cars. Having an in your face car like a range sport normally demonstrates a personality disorder like an inferiority complex imo.

But in all seriousness I reply "yeah just a little Clio."
  Clio 172 CUP
Not worth wasting your time with people who know nothing about cars. I would ask what experience their judgment is based on...
  Astra (H) VXR
I pull my gun out and shoot the s**t out of them... While wheel spinning away shouting brap brap!!!

I was once sat in traffic in the town were I live... Horrendously bad traffic... A drunk girl with here friends started looking at the bullets shouting 2.0 16v..
What's that mean to her male friend... To which he replied it means 2 litre 16 valve.. But then laughed and said but it won't be... It's just a clio...!! Made me chuckle and brightened the traffic jam up..


ClioSport Club Member
No one has ever told me that my car is a girls car.

If they did I would just ask what they had and would then try a pic fault with there car lol.
  172 Sport
My wife has a lairy as f**k stage 2 248bhp A3, so I usually just tell him that I am the woman in the relationship which tends to stop them asking questions.
  RB 200
I just laugh, whilst they probaly get in there fiesta or saxo... have a bit of a laugh back and explain how my 200 is probably worth 30 times there tramp car :p .... or if its someone with something nice but blatently slow, call them out, and watch them bottle what i know will be a easy race.

I tend to find people who know about cars though, no matter what they drive might say it in jest but will also go on to sing its praises.
most people love them.
never had the problem.. from the few people whos asked about my car who dont know much about them always end up sayin abet that shifts then does it 2 which i reply yeah its not bad 4 wat it is.

My missus loves them and keeps pestering me about buying a RB + i learnt her how to drive in the cup lol
  MCS R56
I think the image changed from girl to charver. Doesn't stop them being great cars, but that is how the majority now view them. Everyone expects to see a teenager at the wheel with a cap hanging off the back of his head. The peak pointing straight up.

Have you read the comments on here lately? It clearly is teens driving them.
  FiestaST(ex 172 Cup)
Whatever, go f**k youself and I'll go enjoy myself in my car which is clearly more capable that your POS.

I think the same but I won't argue with them about it, just let the speed of the car do the talking. If they want to spend £25k on a souless diesel german appliance just to fit in, then there will be no convincing them.

"But it's just a Cli... what the f**k?!" I swear I saw someones jaw drop as I pulled away from his Jag once haha
There's a lot of guys pretending not to care, but who also seem to have a few angry quips lined up for response.


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
  RB Clio 182
Say yea I know and ask them if they want to bum in the toilets.
  MCS R56
I think the same but I won't argue with them about it, just let the speed of the car do the talking. If they want to spend £25k on a souless diesel german appliance just to fit in, then there will be no convincing them.

"But it's just a Cli... what the f**k?!" I swear I saw someones jaw drop as I pulled away from his Jag once haha

Problem is, those soulless, diesel German cars are just as capable. And pulling away from a Jag... wow. Just enjoy the car and get on with it.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
There's a lot of guys pretending not to care, but who also seem to have a few angry quips lined up for response.

It's a tad humorous. More so because Clios are actually a girls car hence the marketing/advert of the mk2
