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What have you done to your car today ???

  Clio 172

Went to see progress of build today, nearly finished the painting inside couple more layers to go then the dash cage seats etc can all go back on/in.
Also had my cliosport stickers delivered today so will get them stuck on!
  182 trackcar, XC60t6
Fitted Pure Motorsport aircon delete kits months ago. Finally got around to removing the aircon heater coil under the skuttle. What a ball ache. Figured out you have to remove this panel in the firewall, the engine intake casting (with coil pack) and that the two nuts holding the inner plastic ducting in place are inside the cabin way up high under the dash. . ..



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  BMW M135i; Clio 172
Whacked a new 12v accessory socket in the glove compartment to power dashcam :up:.

Then someone drove into the back of me whilst in stationary traffic, glanced off my rear bumper and stopped alongside me on other side of the road :eek:penmouth:. Said dashcam wasn't recording though :weary:😂.

Minor damage only fortunately:

  BMW M135i; Clio 172
Definitely not ideal @oreA poor flamer!
Actually I consider myself lucky! I was sat for probably a minute in the queueing traffic - the driver couldn't have been concentrating at all. I heard screeching first and then saw her looming larger & larger in my mirror, smoke pouring from her tyres. I pulled forward and left as far as I could to reduce the damage then braced myself expecting the worst 😊. How there was so little damage I don't know, she clearly swerved to avoid me but could've killed herself hitting oncoming traffic. She was shaken to say the least :grimacing:.

Anyway, I might be able to get rid of that horrid black wrap-job on the rear bumper for free now :smile:.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
What have you had done mate?

Timing belt kit
Aux belt kit
End Caps
Re-Seal rocker cover
Water pump
Oil filter
Sump Plug & washer
Clean gearbox of all oil
Change gearbox oil
Check for all oil leaks
Rear discs
Rear pads
Rear pad fitting kit
Rear calipers X 2

Found that the sump had oil on it and it turns out the my oil pump gasket had gone along with my front crank shaft oil seal so subframe, sump and oil pump had to get ripped out.

I also had parts of the engine vapour blasted and I'm going to get some more done

All parts are genuine Renault parts also


ClioSport Club Member
  Audi s3 8p
Replaced my 182 alloys with a set of trophy turinis :hearteyes: cleaned the throttle bodie and crank sensor and wash her
  BMW M135i; Clio 172
Because a young lady drove into my rear a couple of days ago (see a few posts back ^), I thought I'd remove the rear bumper and check for damage. Not one thing was broken or damaged or bent or twisted. Got lucky me thinks :cool:.


All that remains of the bodywork damage after some compounding, polishing and waxing:

  182 trackcar, XC60t6
removed dash (pretty easy thanks to the guide here) and the sticky rubbish plastic surrounds around the heater controls, centre plastic surround (had to cut the heat sealed bits away) - ready for paint.


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
Fitted an air filter with the 2 silicone bends design. Sounds angry.

Makes me miss my old VR6 though!


ClioSport Club Member
  Inferno 182 Cup
That's the one, 70mm neck slips straight in. Just the one joiner between the bends.
  BMW M135i; Clio 172
Bumper off to fit new headlight washers. Turns out the pump is kaput too.

Noticed the aircon rad was hanging by a thread and had to cobble together some makeshift fixings :tongueout:.

Washed it, and spent over an hour on the wheels, even though they were refurbished & sealed last year (that DLUX stuff is the tits!) multi spokes are a complete PITA!! It still looks the absolute nuts!!
  BMW M135i; Clio 172
Washed it, and spent over an hour on the wheels, even though they were refurbished & sealed last year (that DLUX stuff is the tits!) multi spokes are a complete PITA!! It still looks the absolute nuts!!
Worthless post without pictures :smile:.
  182 trackcar, XC60t6
Removed instrument cluster to get at the highly annoying over speed alarm. This comes on at around 120km/h. Culprit was a little piezo hidden behind the rear. As shown.

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