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What new light phone?

After a small and light phone much like my old k610i. Was looking at the new SE G502 and it seems fairly compact and light.

Camera is not an issue, and dont need any fancy stuff. No Samsungs!

Any other recomendations out there?
  tiTTy & SV650
I have the T650i tis nice

I went for the G502, nice simple bit of kit and small too, was between that and the t650i, but the g502 does everything i need!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Got the Tocco, very impressed with it to be honest, build quality is superb and touch screen is really good once you get used to it, even texting at speed now! Web browsing is good, as is music and camera. Only complaint is the lack of memory is comes with but you can buy SD cards really cheap now so not a massive concern at all! You will be pleased with it mate!
