Hi all.
I'm getting my car rolling roaded next week with a few mates. At the moment I've just got a ph1 airbox with itg filter, but I'm going to take it of and put the standard with paper filter for the rr because I want to get a before and after readout as I'm doin a few standard mods, matched inlets, remap, exhaust etc
so my question is what figures am I expecting on a standard 182? I'm guessig maybe 170?
I'm getting my car rolling roaded next week with a few mates. At the moment I've just got a ph1 airbox with itg filter, but I'm going to take it of and put the standard with paper filter for the rr because I want to get a before and after readout as I'm doin a few standard mods, matched inlets, remap, exhaust etc
so my question is what figures am I expecting on a standard 182? I'm guessig maybe 170?