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What splitter would you recommend

  Black 1.2 Extreme
Hi guys

Basically I'm looking for a splitter to fit my Renault Clio MK2 Extreme 1.2 in black

I was just wondering that the options are regarding price, look, and how easy/hard it will be to fit
All suggestions much appreciated

Cheers, Sam
  Black 1.2 Extreme
Okay great where would be best to purchase one?
And how will I attach it to the car? just clip it on?
  I love Lamp
Okay great where would be best to purchase one?
And how will I attach it to the car? just clip it on?

just get a bunch of self taper screws, drill a small hole and pop them in. Its really soft plastic so easy to cut the ends off too.
  Black 1.2 Extreme
Where would be the best place to order one of these?
Contact my local Skoda dealership?
Or try and buy one on here?
