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What to check first on a non-working cruise control (182)?

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I rarely use my cruise control - but found both it and the speed limiter simply failed to work whilst on the motorway at the weekend.

What should I be looking into first? The switch appears to work on the dash - and the light goes from green to orange, depending upon which function I pick.

I get the 'SET ---' message on the dash and then nothing when I press 'R' or 'O' on the wheel.

The wheel itself is OEM with no changes at all and as far as I'm aware, has never been removed from the hub.


Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
You have to press "+" to set the speed initially. O is cancel and R is resume.

If it still doesn't work then it's possibly the clutch switch?


ClioSport Club Member
The buttons in mine had failed, since getting a velotech set of buttons it’s been fine. But I’d also check the connection under the horn and if you can get the codes they may give a good clue.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Nope - naffink.

Enabled cruise control with the switch on the way home yesterday - got the 'SET ---' display showing and nothing at all happened from any of the wheel buttons.

@SharpyClio - were the buttons easy enough to swap out mate? Have you any details on where to buy them from too?


Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
My last 182s cruise control never worked but my current RBs always did.

When I sold the car I swapped the steering wheels over but now the RBs cruise works intermittently and throws up a DF235 fault code.


So as @SharpyClio mentioned, it's possibly something to do with the steering wheel buttons.

I'm going to strip mine down soon and have a proper look over the buttons/connections.

In saying that the Cruise on the 182 is a bit crap when compared to the modern radar/limiter tech.

I hate touching the steering wheel as angle sensors are impossible to find should they break.

I'd rather have a faulty cruise button, than a permanent ESP/ABS light on.


ClioSport Club Member
Nope - naffink.

Enabled cruise control with the switch on the way home yesterday - got the 'SET ---' display showing and nothing at all happened from any of the wheel buttons.

@SharpyClio - were the buttons easy enough to swap out mate? Have you any details on where to buy them from too?


I changed my wheel tan aftermarket one and got a volantech set of buttons and that solved the problem completely. I did swap the OEM buttons from another wheel I had at first but that only really seemed to resolve it for a short period of time. I guess the buttons on the OEM wheels are just reaching end of life.


ClioSport Club Member
When I had an intermittent issue on mine it was the squib ring.

You can test the buttons once the wheel is off, iirc each button produces a different resistance, I'm sure the correct values are somewhere on here.

Another problem could be a dodgy break or clutch switch, can easily remove these, test and clean them.

If it was me I'd do the above things in reverse order.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
When I had an intermittent issue on mine it was the squib ring.

You can test the buttons once the wheel is off, iirc each button produces a different resistance, I'm sure the correct values are somewhere on here.

Another problem could be a dodgy break or clutch switch, can easily remove these, test and clean them.

If it was me I'd do the above things in reverse order.
I'll check those this weekend if I get the chance - cheers.


ClioSport Club Member
Hook it up to clip if you have access, to check the switches are working and see if any fault codes are stored.
