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What to do?

Well guys it looks like im stuck on what to do with my car, i currently have a mk1 1.4RT 5 door but im looking for a 3door, only thing is the insurance is abit too high coz im only 17... now this is where the problem is. Do i keep the 5 door which i dont really like and wait a year or so or do i buy a 3door and rince my money on the insurance?
Cheers, Caine​
build up the no claims mate, a 5 door is fine. Think of it this way, when your driving, you can't see the other 2 doors so it doesn't really matter :)
  LY 200
Bulid up your nc's mate, save abit for the next 2 years and then you'll be able to get summin like a 172.

I did just that a few years ago when i was 19 and went for a valver.
  BMW Z4 3.0i
Keep the five door, save your cash. Come time to trade-up you'll be able to get a nicer car.
trailerparktrev said:
Do insurance companies charge you more if you own a three door car??? If they do, does anyone know why?!?!?!?!?!!?
Any excuse for the Insurance Companies to charge us more money ain't it, Robbing C**TS
I'd keep the 5 Door and build up the no claims if you can
