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what to use on black plastics?

  106 GTi
Autoglym Bumper Care Gel when applied properly is pretty much the most cost effective one I have found for textured trim.
  172 A Cupwork Orange™
put a little on a cloth ans wipe on, failing that when you purchase some there is a little bit on the back called instructions :rasp:
  106 GTi
Missed the important bit, after applying it, let it stand, go round all the trim and buff with a clean cloth, final buff stops the streaking people moan about the first time it rains.

Also use a small amount and rub it in well, don't apply it on a really thick coat. 2 or 3 applications of well rubbed in coats are better then trying to ladel it on it one.
  A well built VW
Missed the important bit, after applying it, let it stand, go round all the trim and buff with a clean cloth, final buff stops the streaking people moan about the first time it rains.

Also use a small amount and rub it in well, don't apply it on a really thick coat. 2 or 3 applications of well rubbed in coats are better then trying to ladel it on it one.

Have you tried the hairdryer treatment heating it up first and then after its been applied
  106 GTi
A heat gun alone should restore the colour of plastics stand alone, has worked well on the few bits of trim I have tried it on.
  ibiza cupra
A heat gun alone should restore the colour of plastics stand alone, has worked well on the few bits of trim I have tried it on.
yeah that does work ive done it a few times on bits of faded platic on cars at work then went home and tryed it on my garden table and chairs. it worked on that too lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Extreme mode
Also for textured trim apply with a sponge rather than cloth, much easier!
  White Sti Hatch
Rich will the Autoglym stuff cover up white spots on side stips its not wax it may very well be paint anyway would this cover it up ??


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Thinners/White spirit type stuff?

Then use bumper gel after to shine them up.

The problem is bumper gel is effectively a clear gel so won't cover anything up in terms of overspray/spilled paint.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Just dab some on (not a lot) and leave it for 30 seconds.

Then get a bit on a clean rag and scrub like f**k. It will bump off. Dry everything off properly and then shine it up with bumper gel.
  White Sti Hatch
K so dab it on leave for 30 secs buff it of and dry to do it before washing the car ??
  106 GTi
If you are looking to keep a factory look without adding any gloss etc, Poorboys Natural Look.
