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What would you do?

  1.2 Dynamique 16v
The girl across the road reversed into my car the other week whilst I was sat in my house. The drivers wing was cracked and needed replacing, so after her saying she would fix it she inevitably changed her mind when she heard the cost. So it went through insurance.

I got the new wing put on, sprayed and I was happy. However last night when the sun was setting I noticed that along the door there are two patches which look to have been missed when they have merged into the door. The patches look like they have keyed into the paintwork, ready for spraying, painted it but not gone over it properley. Then lacquered over it.

I've had the car back for about two weeks. I was planning on going back today and telling them, see what they will do? I'm hoping they'll fix it to be honest because it lets the car down.

Its hard to see it under certain light, but I could really notice it when the sun was setting last night. I thought it was patches of dried on sealant but it wasn't :(

How would you approach it? Am I in my rights to take it back?

Perhaps get in touch with a different painter, tell them you've had some work done and want to know if its been done properly/get a qoute to fix it. If they think its a really bad job then you've got good grounds to take it straight back to where it was done I would say.
  Clio 172 cup
Insurance companies will only used trusted mechanics and sprayers and their work is usually guaranteed for 3-7 years on body work etc. Call your insurance company and explain, they will get it resprayed.
  1.2 Dynamique 16v

I decided to give them a ring, and go down to see them. The bodyshop manager came out to have a look.

He was good to be honest. He said looks like 'tar brush' marks? Anyway he said yeah we can sort that out. Bring it in next week. So I'm quite happy with that result.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
What would you do?, if your son was at home
crying all alone on the bedroom floor, cuz he's hungry
and thee only way to feed him is ta sleep wit a man
for a little bit of money, and his daddy's gone
somewhere smokin' rock now, in and out of lock down,
I aint gotta job now, so for you this is just a good time
but for me this is what I call life.


What would you do?, if your son was at home
crying all alone on the bedroom floor, cuz he's hungry
and thee only way to feed him is ta sleep wit a man
for a little bit of money, and his daddy's gone
somewhere smokin' rock now, in and out of lock down,
I aint gotta job now, so for you this is just a good time
but for me this is what I call life.

  Jap Box
What would you do?, if your son was at home
crying all alone on the bedroom floor, cuz he's hungry
and thee only way to feed him is ta sleep wit a man
for a little bit of money, and his daddy's gone
somewhere smokin' rock now, in and out of lock down,
I aint gotta job now, so for you this is just a good time
but for me this is what I call life.

girl you ain't the only one with a baby
that's no excuse to be livin' all crazy
then she looked me right square in the eye
and said every day I wake up hopin to die
she said **n-bomb** I know about pain coz,
me and my sister ran away so my daddy couldn't rape us
before I was a teenager I been through more s**t
that you can't even relate tu
