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What would you do

  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

As some of you may know, I crashed my 172 three months ago. The insurance company eventually decided to repair it. The bodyshop who are repairing the car ordered the parts on the 18/08/2004. All arrived quickly apart from a roof skin which went onto factory back order.

Two months have since passed. Ive been given two different dates for when the roof will be here, but still it hasnt showed up. I contacted Reno customer services again today and got a message on my mobile this afternoon syaing "there is no current date for the delivery of the part, and we cant provide any information on why the previous delivery dates have been missed".

Quite frankly, Im getting completely f**ked off with the service that Renault are providing. This amount of time is completely unacceptable to be waiting for a part, especially one where the car is still in production.

I feel like Im completely at the mercy of the Renault UK Parts dept who are incabable of providing any decent information.

So what can I do other that keep ringing customer services and getting fobbed off with pathetic replies? Should I write a letter to them or what? To be honest Im so disheartened by the whole thing, I just feel like it doesnt matter what I do, nothing will hurry them up.
Given that the customer services desk is only open during 9-5 mon-fri, Im going to get my dad (professional complainer!) to ring them tomorrow while Im at work to see if he can get to the bottom of it.

So in the mean time, people of cliosport, what would you do in this situation to get reno to pull their finger out and get it sorted????

sorry for the long post



id be inclined to have a chat with whoever is in charge of UK customer services tell him all the above and say you WILL be going to watchdog and numerous other similar organisations to name and shame if its not rectified shortly. tell him you will be sending him a letter containing all the information and that if you do not receive a response within the following week with a confirmed date for delivery of the part you will be going to them to create as much publicity as possible

Get onto your insurance company its them you pay £100s on pounds to each year, they should be getting onto Renault to pressure them.

I would hold them and demand that either they get it sorted or they will have to provide you with a courtesy car
  Mondeo STTDCI

Yeah I cant understand WHY youd bother calling Renault. Its your insurance you need to call.

Wheres the car stored atm? Unless its a nice sheltered garage I wouldnt want the car back after all that time. Wont ever be right. I;d push for a pay out.
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

Hmmm, Id have thought that the insurance company will just turn around and say its Renaults fault for not delivering the part??

The car is currently at the Bodyshop. They have provided me with a courtesy car. I doubt Admiral will be able to pay out now that the repairs have been approved and some work has started on the car? Anyone able to clarify this? If theres a chance I can get a pay out then Ill go for it.
  Volvo S60 T5

Hope itdont take to long to get the bits, get the insurance company to chase it up.

Failing that ask for it to be made into a convertable:)
  320d M Sport

i work for an insurance broker and we get this all the time with aprillia/ducati parts etc.

if there really is a delay on waiting for parts how do u expect them to get one?! they cant magic one, youre policy prob doesnt cover u for a courtesy car in this instance so uf fooked really.

not the insurers fault the parts taking so long to acquire, sounds like ur gonna have to wait it out unfortunately.
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

Cheers Paddy, You basically confirmed what I was thinking. Ill just have to cross my fingers and hope....
  Clio 172PH2

had similar experience with reno delivery times back in june when i just got my car, bloody pipe connecting power steering fluid split and thus i had no power steering, took it into local dealers ended up waiting there for 4hours found out no parts in the country lol no replacement parts on a brand new car JOKE, anyway ended up with a courtesy car for about 2weeks, and all reno could do was say a delivery date is unknown at this stage - frustrating but happy when i got her back.

Get on their backs mate.

I work for a parts department (Not Renault granted) But we currently have a single part which is on back order, its a quarter panel which has been on back order for around about 4 months. We have about 4 body shops waiting for this part and I really do sympathise with the people because like you I would be doing my nut if I was without a car for that long but if its a foreign part there really is sweet FA you can do. This particular part for me is on back order because company decided to change manufacturers, then decided they didnt like the new manufacturer and are now looking for another one, result, no date and lots of hassle.

The only thing I can recommend is going above the parts department / dealer. Call up Renault, ask to speak to the head of the parts department for this country, dont ask about your part. TELL him you need this part, Car companys are far more likely to listen to an actual customer than a dealer. Explain your situation and just say you want him to find you one, if you put up enough pressure he may well give in and try to find one that is simply lying around in the stock room of another dealers or maybe even try to get one off another car. Which is what we are considering doing at the moment.

All the best with your part.


Quote: Originally posted by paddymph on 28 October 2004i work for an insurance broker and we get this all the time with aprillia/ducati parts etc.if there really is a delay on waiting for parts how do u expect them to get one?! they cant magic one, youre policy prob doesnt cover u for a courtesy car in this instance so uf fooked really.not the insurers fault the parts taking so long to acquire, sounds like ur gonna have to wait it out unfortunately.

Id disagree, if the car is deemed "repairable" after the insurance company have made their assessment surely the availability of parts is considered?

If parts are unavailable for unreasonable amount time then surely the insurer made a mistake when assessing whether the car is repairable or not. So just because they insurer believed that its possible to be repaired means their customer who pays £1000s in premiums is to be without a car for a unknown amount of time after 2 months of waiting.

Personally I would argue with the insurer they are not doing the job I pay for. Getting my car fixed!
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

Thanks for the words of support! My dad didnt get very far with customer services today, although he has written a letter of complaint to some head honcho about the part being delayed and also the poor work by the customer serv dept. Also the order has now been upgraded to critical order which sounds rather dramatic. Hopefully all of this will push things along.

It struck me today that one of the contributing factors as to why this part is taking so long is because the 172 roof is Aluminium (or something. Either way, its a different material to the standard roof). Apparently the garage who ordered the part is also waiting on three other 172 roof skins to arrive! Grrr...
