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Where is Newzbin?!


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
Got an email about this. What's the chat with it? Same thing wih a - slightly - different name?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Same name, actually. Well, website address, anyway.

We are pleased to announce that Newzbin2 is now live and featuring unfiltered NZB Reports.

There are catches and we don't want you having too high expectations for now. To be blunt, we've been struggling to understand the site code & systems. The backend is way more complicated than we realised. Some of it is busted and some services we don't know how to operate fully yet. We are working hard but we thought, based on comments on the blog, that it would be better to run a partial Newzbin clone now rather than leave it for a couple of months until we do grok it all. Understand that things are likely to be a bit wobbly for a while and stuff may well fall over, but we hope to kick things into shape soon.

We dont have a functional payment system in place yet so the site will be free for a week or two. When we get a credits system running we will be respecting the credits you have left over from Newzbin.

Obviously we hope that you editor administrators and editors will remain with us as you are truly valuable: all users have the same status they did when Newzbin shut down as we didn't alter anything. Obviously if you no longer wish to be an editor your status can be changed.

We'll try and answer your questions in the comments.

Mr White/Team R Dogs

Requests for SSL support noted. We'll try top get this working ASAP. not yet working but we are on it.

There appears to be some kind of issue with our mail system and the sending of passwords: if you have an issue please add it as a ticket rather than a PM.

They can hurry themselves up with newzxxx, TBH. I miss that, although Kleverig is a bloody decent alternative ;)
  172 Cup
Got an email about this. What's the chat with it? Same thing wih a - slightly - different name?

"Mr White" stole the source code from the old Newzbin site. It's the same thing just different people behind the scenes.


ClioSport Club Member
  Octavia vRS
I see. Might get fired back in there then. Can't get on with the layout of nzbmatrix. It's such a mess in comparison.
