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where shall i mount my crossovers?

  Audi TT 3.2 V6
Hi, i fitted my infinity components the other week and origionally mounted the crossovers in the boot but have now decided i dont want them there, ideally out of site, out of mind lol. any mounting suggestions? was thinking possibly next 2 the passenger airbag?
when i get mine, im gona put them in the door pocket...if you put the to the very front of this pocket, then you can still get to them easily, but there are outa site...someone on here has done that, which is where i got the idea from...hope this helps


ClioSport Club Member
One of mine is in the passenger footwell, theres a metal plate that runs along the bottom and its velcro'd to that.

The other one is velcro'd behind the panel/switch that dips the headlights.
  172 mk2 Iceberg
i put mine under the dash to the left of the radio...
as i had the dash off anyway to fit the tweeters
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
dunnaz said:
when i get mine, im gona put them in the door pocket...if you put the to the very front of this pocket, then you can still get to them easily, but there are outa site...someone on here has done that, which is where i got the idea from...hope this helps

That was me:



Not particularly out of sight though unless you have tinted front windows like me. I also looked at putting them under the dash with all the other wiring somewhere behind the steering column. Under the seats would work too.
