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where to run amplifier power cable help

  Golf GTI 1.8T

Hi guys, Im changing my interior for the 172 exclusive leather that I bought off BB Performance Tuning, I havent added any ICE yet, thinking off putting a sub in the boot and this is an ideal time to run in the power lead with all my plastic interior stripped out.

Was wondering where you guys had run it through into the engine bay as I cant see any easy route through.

Quick reply would be much appreciated.



ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel

mate, been trying to do this for about 3 weeks now, could you pm me if you get any luck? cheers.
  Golf GTI 1.8T

i havent bothered in the end, would be great if all cars came with an access hole from interior to the engine bay! running underneath the car may be a possibilty for you.

bonnet release gromet mate, ive got a guide from one of the fellow cliosporters (sorry i forgot ur name) pm me and ill send it to you.
  black gold 182

no problem,use the bonnet release gromet,stif wire coat hanger for guidance,in behind the brake fluid bottle i think at top of bonnet.very straight forward,did mine with the thread previously on here in a about half an hour,into the bonnet
  Clio 182 LY + Cup packs

I did mine and it took me ten mins to run it from the batter to the boot in a 182. It realy is easy PM me if you want instructions.


  LY 200

Is this the same for a 182 as my dad is sending me to the garage tomorrow to ask them to drill 2 holes for the wires to go though, I think this sounds a bit harsh but there again I havnt got a clue lol :oops:
  1.6 focus zetec....

i believe all clios are the same.....just under your glove box and to the left is a small black gromet.....the wire should be able to fit through there, if not make the hole bigger! Youll also have to pull off the bonnet release catch to run the wire down the side



  LY 200

Quote: Originally posted by kiza1986 on 31 August 2005

i believe all clios are the same.....just under your glove box and to the left is a small black gromet.....the wire should be able to fit through there, if not make the hole bigger! Youll also have to pull off the bonnet release catch to run the wire down the side

Cheers mate :D
  Clio 182 LY + Cup packs

you dont need to get anything drilled, it will go through the gromet for the bonnet release, ive run a 4guage wire through there with ease.


  LY 200

Quote: Originally posted by RafChandler on 31 August 2005

you dont need to get anything drilled, it will go through the gromet for the bonnet release, ive run a 4guage wire through there with ease.
I am taking it to a shop to get done as I dont like the drilling idea, thanks for your help :D
