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where to sell my clio 182

I've put my Clio up for sale in the usual places like autotrader , was wondering if theres anywhere else i should be looking to put it for sale , Thanks :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Just had a quick look at your advert. I'd look to remove the induction kit and rear brace and look to sell it as standard as possible.

And pop a Fabia splitter on


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Pop a wanted thread up on here mate. It's only my opinion and others will have theirs.

But it looks a nice car in arguably the best colour. But imo the induction kit and rear brace ruin the standard look, I know you have coilovers.

I'm also assuming you want £5k with how you have priced it?. I'd personally price it at £4995. Not excessive miles on the car but basically 100k.

Only my initial quick thoughts matey

And the advert on here imo needs re doing. It reads as one big sentence. Better advert opens the door wider..
Pop a wanted thread up on here mate. It's only my opinion and others will have theirs.

But it looks a nice car in arguably the best colour. But imo the induction kit and rear brace ruin the standard look, I know you have coilovers.

I'm also assuming you want £5k with how you have priced it?. I'd personally price it at £4995. Not excessive miles on the car but basically 100k.

Only my initial quick thoughts matey

And the advert on here imo needs re doing. It reads as one big sentence. Better advert opens the door wider..
wow thank you , will definitely look into removing the brace and getting a standard filter, appreciate the feedback and will start writing up a new ad :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
No worries mate. If I can help let me know, I'm not an expert lol but I've sold the odd car now and again.

Also better pics mate. And pleeeeeaaasssseeee when taking the steering wheel pic, have the wheel straight lol.
