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which insurer

  172 mk2

hello guys, does anyone konw which company it is that bases the quote on the engine CC, even if u do mods as long as the CC doesnt increase the cost wont go up?

anyone heard of this?


Liverpool Victoria - but I seem to remember they have brought in an age limit for it now... over 25s I think... though Im too old so they couldnt care less what I do to it lol

Liverpool Victoria and Frizell allow you to mod so long as you dont change the cc of the engine if you do then they charge a premium but its still not huge. I asked last yr about transplants and they have no problems (I was 21) was £35 extra on my insurance I think.

You have to be 25 though to insure a 172 with them but a 2.0 transplanted into a 1.2 costs very little (I dont understand why either).

They give good quotes only reason Im not with them again is they wanted loads this yr.
