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which radar detector (again)

My dads going on about getting one now (i myself have never got round to getting one):rolleyes:

Halfrauds are doing the ra classic for £149.99 - they say it was £299.99
is it an old model :S as I thought they were doing ra2 & the ra2 compact now ?

He wants to spend about £200 tops really, the main point is that it has to work (i have heard of snoopers being rubbish):eek: also he wants it to update its self (he said he doesn't want to d/load stuff for it)

Its for the 172 so I'm not sure if he'll need an antenna or something because of the windscreen (or will it work ok in the rectangle bit at the bottom)
Also, any ideas about the laser detectors too ???

I did dspeak to Has ages ago about prices (when i was thinking of getting one) & he was really good price wise.:cool:

Road angel 2, no to be had if you look around mate...few on ebay...

One of the best things i ever bought....
If I was buying now, I'd buy a Road Angel 2 Plus.

But, with a £200 budget, a Road Angel Compact :)
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I've owned pretty much every brand of gps camera detector that has been sold in the UK and only one of them is consistently good and uptodate, that's the Origin B2. It's so good that I'm actually selling my newly purchased Roadpilot MicroGO in order to return to the B2 for the 3rd time.

Snooper were terrible and I was also not impressed with the RA Compact. Both of these makes were lacking with database accuracy. Roadpilot are slightly better but still nowhere near the same league as the Origin unit.
  RenaultSport clio 182 CUP
This is the one you need, if you buy cheap you will be on top of any gatso before it goes off ,:eek:
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  182 Full Fat
RA compact is half the price of RA2 plus you have speed limit warning too. RA compact is the best value for money!
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I found the Roadpilot MicroGO worked better than the RA Compact and costs the same new (£199)

I'm trading the MicroGO in for another Origin B2, tradein of £150 which is not so bad for a 1 month old unit.
how much is the origin b2 ?

also what about the laser bits to them ?? any one runnning them ??
are they illegal *cough*


  RS 182 - Black Gold
As mentioned the Origin B2 is a stunning unit

Its simply got one of the best databses and the most configurable unit ive seen.

We sell a lot of these, and never had any problems with them.

If you need any prices PM me :)

Plenty of happy customers on here :D


  RS 182 - Black Gold
You garage door opener does plug straight into the Origin B2 ;)
This allows u to open ur garage from your vehicle *cough*

The laser attatchments both on the RA2 and B2 are completely legal.

If any laws are braught out to stop there uses, u simply disable them within the software menu.

More then likely the manufacturers will contact you.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Most of them provide you with 6 months free updates

Then normally around £49 per year (origin and RA)

They will continue to work even if you dont subscribe, but you wont have the latest camera locations (ie, no updates)
cool - but £379.99 !!!! he won't pay that for one mate.

Any other good 'uns for his budget (apart from the ra compact etc) ?
any websites to look at for them ?
which one for his budget?
sorry i need some feedback folks, cos i'll be getting it in the ear tomorrow night !
cool, i forgot about ebay tbh.

I have just printed out some for him to look at, ra compact, road pilot micro go, snooper s5-r.

that'll give him something to read, can't wait to see his face when he realises that some need subscriptions !
  172 Cup
Theres a new road angel plus coming out this year, same as RA2 but takes batteries! also a compact with a laser detector, so the choice is getting bigger!!
  RS 200
cat171 said:
My dads going on about getting one now (i myself have never got round to getting one):rolleyes:

Halfrauds are doing the ra classic for £149.99 - they say it was £299.99
is it an old model :S as I thought they were doing ra2 & the ra2 compact now ?

He wants to spend about £200 tops really, the main point is that it has to work (i have heard of snoopers being rubbish):eek: also he wants it to update its self (he said he doesn't want to d/load stuff for it)

Its for the 172 so I'm not sure if he'll need an antenna or something because of the windscreen (or will it work ok in the rectangle bit at the bottom)
Also, any ideas about the laser detectors too ???

I did dspeak to Has ages ago about prices (when i was thinking of getting one) & he was really good price wise.:cool:


When I did my Origin I routed the antena cable to the plastic shelf at the side of the parcel shelf at the rear. The cable went under the plastic door cards in the rear quarter then under the rubber door seal to the front footwell.
As for the little square at the bottom of the windscreen I found that I wasnt as good as having it at the back of the car. Unless the antena was held flat against the glass it wouldnt really get a good signal, just putting on the dash in the middle was like putting it on the dash in any other position, if that makes sense :) .

And to answer another question the Origin does display your current correct speed and also when coming into a speed trap zone it tells you the speed limit for that area.

  106 GTi
Best thing about the Road Angels is the ease of swapping them between cars, the B2 is costly if you need to by the 2nd harnesses/mounting kit for it.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
sharkaroo said:
Theres a new road angel plus coming out this year, same as RA2 but takes batteries! also a compact with a laser detector, so the choice is getting bigger!!

The Road Angel 2 "Plus" is already avbailable to use as re-sellers.

- Its the same unit but with a rechargable battery meaning no cables inside the car !

Road Angel Compact

- Has always had a laser attatchment available.

You can buy it with or without.

If anyone needs info on products PM me or add me to MSN, more than happy to help.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
r-jay said:
Best thing about the Road Angels is the ease of swapping them between cars, the B2 is costly if you need to by the 2nd harnesses/mounting kit for it.

This is what it comes down to at the end of the day mainly.

Some prefer a more fixed approach than a portable one.

Altho the Origin B2 unit is a very configurable unit compared to the Road Angel, allowing you to change almost every little detail such as how much illumination is on the screens display etc....


  RS 182 - Black Gold
BLUNTY said:
I PAYED £160 for my b2 of ebay:cool:

*Just a quick Note*

Be carefull with units purchased from eBaY

There has been a few people on here who have purchased units cheaper thry ebay, and when they have come to register the units have found that they are registered either as stolen

OR the person selling them cannot be verified as a re-seller
(leaving the unit with only a 28day warrenty)

(all sales are logged) To allow the customer to register after a sale.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
The standard RA is not very good as it does not display the relevant speed for the approaching speed camera, they ammended this with the RA Compact. Roadpilot MicroGO and Origin B2 both display the speed of the speed trap zone you are approaching.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
sneeks.... the RA2 will soon feature this feature.

A software update is in the pipe line to resolve this

The new Road Angel Plus and Compact have this feature tho.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
r-jay said:
Any more news on that update yet Has?

Well a few weeks back it was out apparently !!

I rang them up and asked for a re-sellers cd to replace mine.

She said not a problem its in the post, with my new agreement etc.

When it arrived it was the old software, with no updated features! When i rang back they said they were still having tech problems. So its been delayed again......
