Right, its that time of year to sort out a recovery company. (Oh joy...)
Any recommendations?
Im tempted to just cough up the cash and go either http://www.rac.co.uk/breakdowncover/uk/?promotion=WB0001&drc=UKAFF&affinity=FP0054&outlet=WEB01&affinity_name=ukaffiliatesRAC level 4 or perhaps http://www.theaa.com/services/breakdowncover/chosen_option.jsp?option=400AA option 400, but there is still http://www.autonational.co.uk/serv.htmAutonational or Green Flag to consider.
I just want a decent service that actually has technology from this century (i.e. a plug in lap top diagnostic thing) and will take me to the garage I want, even if it is 20 miles away rather than 2 minutes round the corner!