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Which TV?? LCD or not...

  RS Megane DCi 175
Ok, I'm looking to replace my telly.
I've had a look around and really like the flatscreen LCD ones. But I'm tempted to go for a the older CRT type as you can get a 32" normal TV for about the same price as a 17" LCD one.

Are they worth the money? To be honest I wouldn't be looking at much beyond 20" as I simply don't have the space. I spied one in asda - a 17" Relysis LCD TV for £220ish - it's the best one I've seen...but to be honest, I don't really know what to look for.

Any suggestions? Anywhere doing any deals for xmas?
It's only gonna be used to watch digital TV (obviously), watch DVDs and a bit of xbox.

Cheers fellas!
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i was in the same boat. I opted for a 100hz Sony Wega 32" pure flat CRT screen. TBH it pisses all over most LCD screens, especially when watching sports and playing games. Cost £500 from curries.
