Answer a; don't buy DJ wax unless it's Super Natural
maybe try this in panel pot (enough to do 2-3 layers i hear):
remember the shine and looks is all in the prep work: wash, de-tar, clay, polish then wax
hehe, was just a suggestion mate
as JD said, Supernatural is the best from dodo, panel pot is £15 ish so you could try that.
other contenders:
Fk1000p - sealent
colli 476s - winter wax with very dull looks
AG HD Wax - meh, OK
Meguiars #16 - naye bad
then your onto £100+ ones i think
but im sure JD will correct if needed
In other worda, he doesnt ike DODO. Neither do i. As soon as i opened this thread i looked for a post from JD about DODO.
I would never use egp on it's own tho! :S
Especially in winter!
I need some fk. Going to grab a panel pot of SN aswell! Wh0re!