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Will one week be enough cure time for paint with the g220??

  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Well last weekend i used the g220 for the first time, well impressed & so easy to use :D , so first to be done was a play with the spoiler that i painted on my old 1.2 about 8 months ago, came up great & made it so smooth & slick, i assume over spray was the cause of the loss of gloss, never really thought about polishing after painting but it does make it look so much better, so just finnished painting my new cup spoiler for the 172, looks great & very happy with the finnish.. but! i want it too look spot on so i plan on giving it a go over with the g220 but remeber hearing that even after a few days the paint can still be soft, hence to soft for the g220, or will 5 days of it living in my warm bedroom be cured enough to get it polished saturday for my sunday cruise to the coast?
  MkIII Clio Dynamique S
Hey James,

If it wasn't baked in a spray booth then i'd leave it for at least 4-5 days mate, the paint will be to soft.

You can machine polish, after a few hours if baked but if not then leave it, you will burn through and be very annoyed

Well last weekend i used the g220 for the first time, well impressed & so easy to use :D , so first to be done was a play with the spoiler that i painted on my old 1.2 about 8 months ago, came up great & made it so smooth & slick, i assume over spray was the cause of the loss of gloss, never really thought about polishing after painting but it does make it look so much better, so just finnished painting my new cup spoiler for the 172, looks great & very happy with the finnish.. but! i want it too look spot on so i plan on giving it a go over with the g220 but remeber hearing that even after a few days the paint can still be soft, hence to soft for the g220, or will 5 days of it living in my warm bedroom be cured enough to get it polished saturday for my sunday cruise to the coast?
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
dammm :( .. thanks for the reply.. would rather wait than burn through it as you say.. guess it will just have to do as it is untill next week
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Just had a thought, would i be better running a clay bar over it to remove the over spray rather than the g220? think it should be a little easyer on the paint, the spoiler is currently sitting about 2 foot from my radiator... come on cup spoiler :approve:
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Nice! will have a look down the shed tomorrow for some 2000 grit, sure i have some.. some where :rolleyes:
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Nice! will have a look down the shed tomorrow for some 2000 grit, sure i have some.. some where :rolleyes:
  e92 + E46 M3 + Cup
Nice! will have a look down the shed tomorrow for some 2000 grit, sure i have some.. some where :rolleyes:
