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Williams interior in a red mark 1


After grey/silver really (with blue interior lights as not keen on orange) but 16v interior is back and williams is blue so kinds getting stuck on what to do lol
  A silver Honda

Re-trimmed costs £££s. Its not worth doing the standard 1.2 seats anyway. At least get some RSI/16v seats and retrim those.

Can you not get red interior lights? I want white dials on mine with a red backing lights.

not keen on red lighting/interior cos the oasis interior is blue/grey with grey carpet. Think it would look odd with the material on rsi front seats (prob make them look like those hawian shirts lol) the interior looks ok just the front seats are bit crap (being a 1.2) and interior is a bit grey (gonna add some silver touches like door handles, heater, clock etc)
  A silver Honda

Ah ok. Actually im a bit worried that the red light will look pink lol. I wanna see some examples first i think.

[Edited by Darth Oli on 12/16/2004 9:16:57 PM]
  Remapped derv Golf

The williams interior looks totally out of place in anything expect a 16v or Williams

Theres a 1.2 Prima round here with it in. Looks rubbish.

I could get all the seats re-trimmed in grey/silver 9or anything else pretty cheap as I know someone who can do upholstry pretty good and may do it for nothing if i could suppy the materials
