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Wind Deflectors

Hi, just bought some team heko wind deflectors and i've fitted them before no problem on a couple of cars however on fitting them to my 182 the window wiil not go up including when i have fitted the clips and stuck it with the double sided tape, since there isnt enough room for the window to fit once the wind deflector is in place. has anyone had this problem before know a solution or any other similar wind deflectors to my the heko ones which will work?
I bought some for my 1.6 and they fitted fine. Took them off when I sold it and tried to fit them on the 182 and had the same problem as you. Ended up chipping the corner of the wind deflector. Took them off after that.
ah bad times :( guessing theres no real "fix" or other option to get them to work properly then unfortunately? or any alternatives?
I had this issue with mine - they were fitted wrongly so when the window went up - it eventually chipped and snapped the rear corner of the drivers side.
The passenger side one was fine. I ended up removing them, putting unibond double sides table along the entire top edge, thoroughly cleaning the window channel, reinstalling and then when fitting the clips, it almost feels like there's a wider section near the rear, shove a clip up in there to push that corner out. There's another 'wider' feeling space along the slant up the window, just before it curves out straight (iirc from memory) and clip #2 should be there.

This pushes the deflector out in the key bits. Then simply windows up, bent them out a little (the glass naturally pinches them in i find) and let him be for an hour to stick firmly. Mine havent moved since.
Cheers Zeitgeist problem solved and there fitted now :)
My Drivers side one chipped too in the same place so superglued it in place now on the hunt for a solitary wind deflector lol to replace my drivers side one
