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Windscreen Removal??

  TrackCar & F30 330d
I am just after a bit of infomation on how to remove my windscreen without smashing it or cracking it.

I dont want to damage or crack the windscreen when welding in the Gussets on the A-Pillers.

Can i just use a stanly knife or are there any other tips on tools to get it out?

Can i use Tiger Seal to glue it back in too or is there a special glue?

Also i dont have the £70 to kick my windscreen and get my insurance to put a new screen in form me.

  Golf GTD Mk7
suckers i'd imagine to lift it out. As fare as i know you just loosen the seal and pull. Could be wrong though. I know they use a special primer to stick the glass back in though. Might be easy to have two people when doing it. One to push from the inside slowly to prevent cracking ;)
  Cooksport Fleet
we use a windscreen removal tool...which is 2 handles a piece of wire (saw back and forth)... when the wire heats up it cuts the bond. Then tiger seal (silicone) it back in...

But thats what we do with the race cars :)

(havent even looked at how the standard screen is held in mind :rasp:
