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Wireless internet and mobile signal?

  Mito Sportiva 135
Does anyone know if wireless internet affects mobile reception at all? I didn't think so but we had a wireless router installed today, and both me and my dad have had no mobile reception all day, just seems a bit of a coincidence. But at uni had a wireless connection and my mobile was ok?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Its close to the range of a 3g signal, but not close enough.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Is that 100% the case though as normally have full reception, right now I have none, the Orange logo doesn't even appear, and my dad is on O2 and normally has full signal too...? Just seems a bit weird and a massive coincidence is all...
GSM systems are operated by O2 and Vodafone at 900 and 1800 MHz, and by T-Mobile and Orange at 1800MHz.
Wifi is 2.4GHz.. quite a way ;)

Wifi doesn't affect Mobile phones at all..

Imagine if it did? Heh. They'd be no mobile signal anywhere pretty much..
  Mito Sportiva 135
I know didn't think so, but as I said, phone is normally fine and the day we get wifi both my own and dad's phone stop working. Just went to the pub and it was fine, come home and no reception again...very confusing. VERY annoying though too! :mad:

Ah well hopefully will improve tomorrow or something, I hope!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Ha yeah...thing is like you guys say and my friends have said and common sense would say, mobile phones and wifi are completely independent of one another, just a massive coincidence I guess, but annoying none the less as when I step outside keep getting missed calls and texts coming through.

Ah well! Cheers anyway lads, and the mystery continues!
