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wireless network

  Punto/Clio GTT
i just set up a wireless network connection, thought ide share it with all of you as im quite proud of myself. wasnt so hard, had me puzzled for a little while but soon snorted it :D
  RenaultSport Clio 172 CUP
What type of wireless router? just wondering, friends are asking me which one they should buy.. an i dont want to go around an set it up :)
  Punto/Clio GTT
bt voyager 2091
got main pc running to router via usb (did that first), then bought a pci network card and set that up on my pc, put in the network name and key (found on bottom of router) then installed bt onto it. piece of piss really
Final_Maxim which wireless adaptor did you use for the laptop/PC?

Also could you PM with the default settings of the router, as someone at work has one at home and wants to connect to it wirelessly, I can guarantee he'll not be able to connect it the different makes, he's connecting with a Netgear PC card.
