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wiring help

  clio rxe
i was taking out the audio leads system for my car, changed round the red and yellow wires at HU iso reconnected the system and now there seems to be no power going to the HU at all. Fuses are ok, can anyone offer some help please
  clio rxe
putting the red and yellow wires through a mutli metre im getting a reading of about 24 v so looks like the prob must lie within the head unit, that sound right?
  clio rxe
connecting the two leads through twosleads of the mulitmetre with the power on was giving me a readin of about 24 volts, that worng?
  Polo + Micra
oh yeah thats well wrong as they are getting there 12v from the same source(batt/alt) so should give a reading of 0v(no p.d)
  clio rxe
so with the engine on,m what would be the voltage passing through the red and yellow to the head unit? must have to be something to power the unit surely.
  Polo + Micra
measuring between red and yellow should always be 0v

you need to go between red or yellow and ground (i tend to use door hinge)
  clio rxe
right ive put the head unit in the car from my wife's car and still isnt working so must be power going to head unit thats at fault. ive checked the fuse in the fuse pannel which is fine , but is there another fuse anywhere that might be involved?
  clio rxe
got it sorted lads, was the circuit breaker fuse that had blown!! s'pose it helps when you read the manual!! Thanks for help
