So sorry about my joy but my willy2 was in the hospital over the xmas period with a broken spring so I thought may as well drop the front a lil more. I got her back today and believe me, doing without your clio is something we all need to do. I was lucky enough to have the use of my sister in laws, hubands Orion 1.4. Good god it makes you realise just how lucky you are. Bless his cotton socks for the loan of it but with nil pull and nil stop and nil goinroundcornerslikeamadarse
John, with any luck my Wilma will be going in next week to have the chip n decat sorted, then we will be around even on the mods front, so well have to find a suitable road stretch to test on.
Leigh, course you can come along !.
Now..I must go to have a lie down, all this excitement at my age cant be good.
Regards all and happy new year,