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worthwhile Mods???

  clio cup 200
hi all

just got my self a sport cup 200 - i was wondering what mods are worth doing. im not expecting massive gains but just some mods that are going to get me closer to the 200hp renault "claimed"?

would a decat, cat back exhaust (ktec for example) ktec pannel filter and remap be worth it? what would we see from all that? 10Brake?

thank guys


ClioSport Admin
ported throttle body (people use 182 tbs)
decat (this will give a flat spot which is tricky to map out)

people have seen 215bhp from these mods
  clio cup 200
thanks - these little NA engines are going to expensve to tune.... i have heard about this flat spot and sounds a nightmare. may juts go with what i said but without the decat?
  clio cup 200
well im guessing that renault has tuned this engin to its limits almost, with doing big work you wont bsee much difference. heard people saying the re map helps alot with increaing the torqe lower down?
  Lionel Richie
considering what i do for a living i would suggest spending your money elsewhere - ie brakes/suspension/driving tuition - worth more than 20bhp all day long
  Lionel Richie
yeah they are good (i was talking generally) think Danny does some funky strut bars, go and do some track days and have fun with it!
